Sunday, November 22, 2009

Not So True Blood

As a closet dark soul, raging geek, and graphic designer I am always looking for great beverage and snack design. Enter: Blood Caffeinated Energy Potion. This tantalizing beverage is almost too much for my senses. From the clever packaging to the realistic viscosity I am addicted.

Come on, how many nights have you and your significant other spent the night listening to too much Tiger Army only to be awakened by the awkwardness of your lover trying to use your neck as a bendy straw? Not a good look. It's just like real blood, minus the hepatitis worries of course. I suggest you peep it out.

1 comment:

  1. does it have the actual thickness of blood? Where can I get it? If it has the actual thickness of blood, I don't know if I could handle that or not...
