Monday, December 21, 2009

Iron Man 2 Trailer

There have been a lot of DC Comic reviews on this blog, but in our household we are Marvel fans. . .and more specifically even I am a big time Robert Downey Jr. fan. The combination of Iron Man and RDJ playing Tony Stark is just great. I have all of the Iron Man comics on my computer and read a few of them as a child (thanks to my Marvel loving brothers). Although there are some changes to the story, I can't help but love to watch Iron Man over and over (my husband is just as bad with it which is nice, and even my older son loves it - but he has more of a Spiderman fascination).

Since the start of the filming of Iron Man 2, I have made sure to keep updated with director/actor Jon Favreau's Twitter and all the news articles released. The trailer has come out!! I thought I'd share it. Let me know your thoughts (whether you know the comics or not).

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