Saturday, December 5, 2009


Memories of the Day: TGIF
Website of the Day: ABC

Anytime I think of television from the 90s, I always think of TGIF. TGIF was a block of Friday night shows on ABC. I am aware that it started in late 80s, but when I was old enough to stay up late to watch tv, it was a whole new gang of shows. The one show that sticks to most people's minds would be Family Matters. It must be hard to forget the annoying voice of the unforgettable character, Urkle. Also, there was Step by Step. It was sort of an updated Brady Bunch. My favorite would always have to be Boy Meets World. It had the goofy teen stuff we all can relate to. Later on, shows changed a bit and we got Sabrina The Teenage Witch. Sabrina's cat, Salem, is totally a talking version of my oldest cat. There was also a show that didn't last too long, Teen Angel. It was about a guy who ate a bad hamburger and came back as an angel to hang out with his best friend.

Let me know if you have any TGIF memories :)


  1. YES YES YES!!! this was always the highlight of mine and my sisters week. we LOVED tgif. wow, i miss the days of all those silly sitcoms, before ER came out and the cameras started to move. everything was taped in front of audiences and had a "moral" or lesson learned at the end of the show, you know when the soft music started playing! lol

  2. Oh goodness haha that was such a huge deal for everyone to sit at home to watch those shows, but unfortunately I didn't ever do so. I did see parts of the show here and ther if I would go over other peoples' homes. We need more shows like these!!!!
